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Adventist Education
Summersville Adventist School is part of the international, Adventist school system, the largest Protestant parochial system in the world. Cognitive Genesis, a rigorous four year research study of 30,000 students, grades 3-9 and 11, enrolled in Adventist schools across North America, revealed the effectiveness of the curriculum used at Summersville Adventist School and the other schools in our system. Here is a summary of the results overall, Adventist school students perform better than the national average. Not only do students who attend Adventist schools achieve half a grade level higher in all subjects than predicted based on their ability scores, but they also gain the benefits of Adventist education shown by other research –strong spiritual lives and healthy lifestyle choices. The more years a student attends an Adventist school, the more their average achievement jumps—up to the 73rd percentile. Data from the Cognitive Genesis research that supports these claims: - The average achievement of an 8th grader just starting at an Adventist school was 32nd percentile. - The average achievement of an 8th grader after just 2-4 years at an Adventist school was 57th percentile - The average achievement of an 8th grader after 5-7 years at an Adventist school was 73rd percentile.
We have seen the good results of this proven curriculum in the hands of our professional teachers here at Summersville Adventist School. While there is diversity in the student standardized test results among our students, we consistently find that our average school scores are above national averages. It is very encouraging!